Making “TheC64 Retropie” complete guide for anyone

Javier Albarracín V.
3 min readDec 30, 2019


TheC64 called the “Maxi” was launched some weeks ago. I was one of the backers on the first campaign on IndieGoGo so I received the mini last year also.

The “Maxi” is O.K. for the casual gamer / nostalgia guy who wants to play some commodore 64 and Vic-20 games. I wanted to use my C64 everywhere so I decided to put a RaspberryPi inside using the “Retropie” software that supports VICE which just in christmas, released their 3.4 version.

With VICE, I can visit BBS using a simple tool called “TCPSER”. This tool mimics a “Hayes Modem” but instead of calling phone numbers it telnets to an IP/Port to access real commodore BBS that are still online.

But If with THEC64 you can play VIC-20 games, with “Retropie” you can play games from any old retro computer and consoles like:

  • Amiga 500 games
  • Commodore 64 / 128 / Vic-20 / 16 / Pet
  • Atari 800XL
  • Apple II
  • Colecovision
  • Atari 2600
  • and many, many more!

“VICE” emulator inside Retropie, emulates cartridges, tapes, disks and many other peripherals, you can also PRINT things from Broderbund’s Printshop if you want. I am very excited to have a fully working “TheC64 Retropie Machine”, so I want to share with everybody what are the steps to do this the right way

Here you can see my modded “TheC64” in action:

Fully working, 100% Keyboard “THEC64 VICE RETROPIE”

Hardware section: Open your THEC64, remove board and install cable extensions.


Tools you will need:

(this section still needs work but I am sharing here the Reset Switch and Led Light buttons)

You have to install GPIOZERO in Retropie press “F4" (you’ll need an external keyboard for this or you can connect via SSH) and write this two commands:

sudo apt install python-gpiozero
sudo apt install python3-gpiozero

After installing you will need to put this script in
/usr/local/bin/ this script will make Retropie shutdown when you press THEC64 Retropie power button for three seconds.

In order to make this script run automatically when you turn on THEC64 Retropie you have to edit rc.local file by typing:

sudo nano /etc/rc.local

also you will need to hace installed the utilities called “screen” and “nc” and “tcpser” by typing this command lines one by one:

sudo apt-get install screen
sudo apt-get install netcat
sudo apt-get install tcpser

and add this lines before the “exit 0” line

# Run  TCPSER at 38400 bauds internal port 25232 ext 6400
su - pi -c "screen -dm -S modem tcpser -v 25232 -s 38400 -p 6400 -l 4"
# Configure power switch
python /usr/local/bin/ &

You’ll notice the TCPSER which is a “modem emulator” needed for VICE to connect to BBS as showed in the video in the beggining of this post. For more, please follow this post.

Software Section: Install Retropie

(Section under construction, but you can go to this video from ETA PRIME for help on this)

Tweaks Section: Configure VICE for perfect-keyboard mapping

Go to this link and download the “Vice keyboard mapping file”. You have to save this in to a file: /opt/retropie/configs/c64/sdl-thec64-C64.vkm and you also need to edit with a text editor the following file: /opt/retropie/configs/c64/sdl-vicerc here you have to insert this two lines:


Please take in mind that “US American” keyboard have to be selected in the retropie settings in order for this to work 100%.

DOWNLOAD THIS “00_BASIC” .D64 file (It only runs a file and lets you in basic)

This post is still a “work in progress” but with this you can make your own mods!
(ps! -> my MAXI board is safe & sound, I also own a MINI so probably will fit inside)



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